Dunric's 8K Adventure

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Dunric's 8K Adventure

Post by dilwyn »

I've ported a public domain text adventure game called Dunric's 8K Adventure to QL SuperBASIC. The original was written in QBASIC and variously has been converted to other retro computers such as C64 and TRS80 by others. I've converted it to a QL SuperBASIC program.

It's a game where the goal is to explore the castle south of town and retrieve a sceptre which is missing from the throne room.

It's a fairly basic and easy classic text adventure. Reasonably decent starter adventure for people like me who have never really played adventure games much.

The game uses the usual two word commands such as Go North, Go Up, Go Down, Get <object> and so on. If you type Help you are given a list of available commands if you wish to use those. There are also single word commands such as Inventory to see a list of carried objects and Look to remind you of where you are.

Directional and some single word commands can be abbreviated to just their first letter, e.g. N instead of Go North, H for Help, I for Inventory.

You can save and reload game status (use the Save command in the game), letting you resume where you left off in a later session. Game status is saved as a data file in the drive/direcory name specified in line 160 (loadsave$ variable). You enter a name for it of up to 8 letters (e.g. the name DILWYN) and the game will save its status to a file called win1_DILWYN_dat or similar.

If you get really stuck, there is a text file with a map of the adventure plot and a few hints.

Please read the plain text file documents included before you start. These explain how to play the game and give some background to the adventure.

In many ways, this was an exercice for me in converting a QBASIC program into QL SuperBASIC, and a bit of a learning curve for me in both playing and coding a text adventure before I move on to less straightforward stuff. The original code was a bit of a spaghetti of convoluted GOTO statements. Had I been more confident with converting such code and laying adventure games, I might have had a go at making it more structured, but I didn't really want to risk tidying up the code too much in case I introduced bugs into the game logic.

So, before I add it to my website, I thought I'd ask if anyone on the forum would like to have a go at playing it and let me know of any bugs found or feedback any suggestions for improvements.
Screen dump 2
Screen dump 2
Screen dump 1
Screen dump 1
Dunric's 8K Adventure zip file
(10.67 KiB) Downloaded 64 times

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