Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

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Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by llopis »

Hey everybody,

I just released a new video starting to cover upgrades for Sinclair QL. In this one I focus mostly on the PSU replacement and vDrive by vRetro. There's probably not much new to you guys, but maybe it's interesting for some of those still thinking of getting a vDrive (spoiler, I really liked it!)

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by JupiterJones »

llopis wrote:Hey everybody,

I just released a new video starting to cover upgrades for Sinclair QL. In this one I focus mostly on the PSU replacement and vDrive by vRetro. There's probably not much new to you guys, but maybe it's interesting for some of those still thinking of getting a vDrive (spoiler, I really liked it!)
Hehe, already watched the video and yep, I'd probably put my hands on one vDrive...

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Excellent video, showing the vDriveQL in action.

I like the vDriveQL Microdrive buzzer circuit.


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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by Cristian »

Thanks for your new, brilliant video! The original Vdrive sound was unlistenable: you made a great job with your circuit 8-)

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by stephen_usher »

I was really surprised that the ATtiny85 based sound board being sold was so awful given it came after the one I made and published the complete design and code for. I had assumed that it used the design I made, but it obviously didn't.

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by bwinkel67 »

stephen_usher wrote:I was really surprised that the ATtiny85 based sound board being sold was so awful given it came after the one I made and published the complete design and code for. I had assumed that it used the design I made, but it obviously didn't.
Hi Stephen,

I just looked at that board (ATtiny85-USB) and it's programmable straight from Windows since you connect it via it's USB socket. So I will try your code on it once I get its Windows drivers installed (that part is a bit tricky but I found a video to help). Hopefully it'll play your sampled sound and work better.

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by Cristian »

stephen_usher wrote:I was really surprised that the ATtiny85 based sound board being sold was so awful given it came after the one I made and published the complete design and code for.
I've just seen (and listened to) your video: very ingenious! Do you think it would be feasible to add also the typical "microdrive without cartridge" sound?

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by stephen_usher »

Cristian wrote:
stephen_usher wrote:I was really surprised that the ATtiny85 based sound board being sold was so awful given it came after the one I made and published the complete design and code for.
I've just seen (and listened to) your video: very ingenious! Do you think it would be feasible to add also the typical "microdrive without cartridge" sound?
Not really. I think the memory is maxed out with that sample as it is. The system is very simple too as all it does is play the sample as soon as it's got power. There's no control at all. There's just a transistor which takes the LED output and switches the power on to the chip.

To do something more you'd probably need something like an Arduino, which will probably not fit in the drive.

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by Cristian »

stephen_usher wrote: Not really. I think the memory is maxed out with that sample as it is.
OK, that's an excellent result as it is :-)

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Re: Video: Sinclair QL Upgrades (PSU and vDrive mostly)

Post by NormanDunbar »

stephen_usher wrote:To do something more you'd probably need something like an Arduino, which will probably not fit in the drive.
Ok, slightly off topic, but...there are options! For example, if the code is written in the Arduino IDE using the features of the Arduino "Language" (aka library) then you are potentially wasting a lot of Flash RAM. You could convert from the Arduino Language, to use plain AVR C/C++ and hit the various registers directly. Using an Uno and the "standard" blink sketch as an example:

Code: Select all

void setup() {
     pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

Code: Select all

void setup() {
     DDRB |= (1 << DDB5);

void loop() {
    PINB |= (1 << PINB5);
Which saves a whole lot of code:

Arduino Blink: 924 bytes of Flash plus 9 bytes of Static RAM.
AVR Blink: 596 bytes of Flash plus 9 bytes of Static RAM.

But, this still includes the Arduino "hidden" stuff to make "millis()" and "micros()" etc work, and all the setup to get the three timer/counters configured for "analogWrite()" etc. Can we reduce it even more while still using the Arduino IDE? Too right we can:

Code: Select all

#include "avr/io.h"
#include "util/delay.h"

int main() {
    // SETUP:
    DDRB |= (1 << DDB5);
    // LOOP:
    PINB |= (1 << PINB5);
This version takes on 160 bytes of Flash and zero bytes of Static RAM.

Not many people know that if you wipe out the entire sketch offered by the Arduino IDE after File->New, and replace it with plain old C++ written for the AVR, you don't get any of the hidden stuff (or hand holding!) of the Arduino Language.

Someone should write a book about this stuff! ;)

How small can we go? Assembly language?

Code: Select all

; This program flashes the LED on an Arduino board, using the
; Atmel ATmega328 microprocessor. The LED is on Pin 5 of
; Port B, aka PB5 (Arduino D13).
; Assemble with:
; gavrasm QuickStart.asm
; Upload with:
; avrdude -p m328p -c arduino -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -C \
;          <config_file> -U flash:w:QuickStart.hex
; Norman Dunbar
; 01 February 2021

; Declare the device, the microcontroller, we are using.
.DEVICE ATmega328P

; Tell the assembler we are in the code segment. This is not
; strictly necessary, but it's wise to be explicit.

; Tell the assembler to begin at address 0 in the flash. This
; is where the device will start executing on a power up or a
; reset.
.ORG 0

; Normally, the interrupt vectors go at address 0 (depending
; on a fuse setting) but as we have no interrupts enabled, we
; can use the vector space for code.

; As we also don't make any subroutine calls, the stack is not
; used. In this case, we don't bother to initialise the stack
; pointer.

; Register Usage:
; R16 is a temporary register used to initialise others.
; R17 is the lowest byte of the delay counter.
; R18 is the middle byte of the delay counter.
; R19 is the high byte of the delay counter.

; Here we give names to the various registers we are using. It
; is an advisable practice to follow and allows you to change
; registers if necessary without having to scan the whole code
; file/files to find every usage of the register name you need
; to change.
.DEF bit5reg = R16       ; Holds the value 0b00100000 (bit 5)
.DEF delay_l = R17       ; Delay low, mid and high bytes
.DEF delay_m = R18
.DEF delay_h = R19

    ldi bit5reg, (1 << DDB5)    ; 0b00100000 =  PORTB, Pin 5 is OUTPUT.
    out DDRB, bit5reg           ; pin DDRB:5 is set to output
    out PORTB, bit5reg          ; initialize the output line to ’high’

; With r19 set to an initial value of 240 (0xF0) we get a
; delay around 0.197 each time through the delay loop. We need
; two delay period per waveform remember!
    ldi r19, 0xF0               ; Gives about half a second or so.

; The delay loop increments r17 until it overflows. This takes
; 767 cycles in total.
    inc delay_l                  ; Three byte counter delay
    brne r17lp

; The delay loop increments r18 until it too overflows. If it
; has not overflowed, we skip back and overflow r17 again, and
; again and again until it does.This takes a total of 117,119
; cycles in total.
    inc delay_m
    brne r17lp

; The delay loop increments r19 until it too overflows. If it
; has not overflowed, we skip back and overflow r18/r17 again,
; and again and again until it does.This takes a total of
; 3,153,952 cycles in total.
    inc delay_h
    brne r17lp

; The delay loop expires after 3,153,952 cycles. We drop in to
; load PINB:5 with a 1 which will toggle PORTB:5.
    out PINB, bit5reg           ; Toggle the LED on PB5.

; The pin is high (or low), delay again before we change it to
; low (or high).
    rjmp d_lay                  ; Back to outer loop
Assembling the above code with the Arduino IDE uses 156 bytes of Flash. This is because the GNU Assembler is used and it insists in setting up all the vectors for all the interrupts, regardless of whether they are used or not. Actually, there's a very slight difference between the code above and that required for the Arduino IDE, but not much, and it's only requiring to make the label "main" a global, and creating a one line *.ino file to register the assembly module as:

Code: Select all

extern "C" int main();

Using the Gavrasm assembler, we get 24 bytes. :D

Of course, all this is moot if the problem is the amount of Static RAM you need for data!

Just sticking my oar in again!


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