What QL emulator do you recommend?

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What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by Jack_Free »

Looking for a suitable QL emulator, is there one that can be recommended?
I would like to use it under WIN 7.
I know there are many, probably the best Q-emuLator.
I tried the demo version, and I encountered the problem that I can not use the text input, such as a program written, by combining CTRL + V, in the version for windows (another I did not test).
I would like to insert part of the program written in the editor directly into the notepad or notebook.
Not to have to overwrite them manually.
So, I wonder if this option is in the full version of the emulator, or whether this can be done by another QL emulator.

Thank you for the advice.

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by swensont »


I recommend SMSQmulator, which is java-based and will work on a number of platforms.

As for the Cut-n-Paste with Windows, no matter the emulator, it is the QL operating system that is not doing the paste because it does not support it.

With SMSQ/E or using the Hot Keys system (which can be loaded with QDOS), there is a way to get what you want done. The Hot Keys system supports the SCRAP, which functions like the Clipboard in Windows.

I've not tried it with Q-Emulator, but with SMSQmulator things in the Clipboard are copied to SCRAP. Then using a Hot Key, I've set ALT-V to do a "paste" of SCRAP into the current window. The section of the README file is "Creating a simple Hotkey to get the clipboard into the HOTKEY Stuffer Buffer via the SCRAP".

I've done this so that I can take output from a shell and paste it into a Quill document.

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by Cristian »

It depends on what you need. If you wish to keep a real QL-machine feeling, I would recommend Qemulator.
I don't have knowledge about its copy/paste text capabilities; however, it's always possible to save the BASIC program then open the file under Windows as plain text.

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by Jack_Free »

Thank you for your advice,

And does this work in reverse?
that I create text in my PC as a TXT file and open it in QL?
So I will save the txt file as _bas?

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by M68008 »

Jack_Free wrote: that I create text in my PC as a TXT file and open it in QL?
So I will save the txt file as _bas?
You can do that.
Map the microdrive slot to a Windows folder so the files show both on the PC and in Q-emuLator.
Use a Windows editor that can handle non-Windows end-of-line characters. (For example Notepad++... set the EOL to Unix as QDOS uses the same EOL character).

To paste up to 1 KB of text into the QL buffer, on Q-emuLator you can use the Insert key. (CTRL-V is not used for that to leave that key combination available to QL programs.)

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by mk79 »

You can try QPC, it comes with an example hard-disc that has many pre-configured applications, including the QD editor. Clipboard synchronisation is enabled in this boot file, too, so you can just paste into QD ("insert from scrap") or the other way round. Or hit "ALT+SPACE" to paste into any application, but as simulated keyboard input.

For access to PC files there is the DOS device, just DIR dos1_ and you will see your C: drive, for example. In case you run into the QL's filename size limit you can chose another base directory, too, so DOS_DRIVE 5,'c:\windows' connects dos5_ with your Windows directory. In the upcoming v5 this will be further extended, making interaction with PC drives even more seamlessly.

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by Jack_Free »

Thank you for your advice.
Finally, I chose the edit option in notepad ++ and then export it to the flash card.

Edit: When exporting to notepad ++, we find strange characters at the beginning of the program, see below.
Can they be deleted?
Or do you prefer to keep them there?

boot_old gnÚ- ! 100 REMark General Boot file
110 :
120 LET dev$='win1_' : REMark change to suitable primary device
130 LET sys$=dev$&'SYS_' : REMark system directory
140 addr=RESPR(250) : LBYTES sys$&'exists_bin',addr : CALL addr
150 :
160 PRINT "Extending ToolKit II ..."
180 addr=RESPR(16876) : LBYTES sys$&'tk226_bin' : CALL addr
190 END IF
200 TK2_EXT : WTV.................................................

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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by ql_freak »

mk79 wrote:In the upcoming v5 this will be further extended, making interaction with PC drives even more seamlessly.
Tell us more!


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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by NormanDunbar »

Hi Jack_Free,
Jack_Free wrote:Edit: When exporting to notepad ++, we find strange characters at the beginning of the program, see below.
Can they be deleted?
Those look to be the the BOM - Byte Order Mark - which tells applications which read the file that it contains big-endian or little-endian UTF8 characters. You can remove them for the QL. However, in Notepad++ (I'm using version 7.??) do this:

Settings -> Preferences
Select New Document on the left
Change your line ending to Unix (LF)
Change encoding to ANSI (alternatively, select the bottom option, open the drop down and chose ISO-8859-15 which will allow the Euro character.)

I suspect the current encoding is UTF8 with BOM.



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Re: What QL emulator do you recommend?

Post by NormanDunbar »

Just noticed the date of the post I replied to "Postby Jack_Free » Fri Feb 15, 2019 7:41 pm" Hmmm, late to the party again! :(

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