QLCOMMANDER - testers and help needed

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ROM Dongle
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Re: QLCOMMANDER - testers and help needed

Post by 7alken »

Andrew, thanks a lot for reply. I need to clarify more. I touched QL only for few minutes in mid 80ties, when one friend got one (and was alone here), while we all had Atari XL (mine) or Spectrum or Sharp MZ-800 (they played with CP/M also). At that time, we were experimenting with graphics and games, sure. But for me, home computer was learning tool about computers mostly. On Atari, most interesting part of ROM was probably "CIO" system of devices (may be Paul Laughton wrote this?, nice history video on youtube)...

I rediscovered QL only few months back, while testing XorA "qdos-devel" docker compilation of my small C project. Then 14 days ago, I discovered QPC2/SMSQ/E and started to investigate more about internals and entire history of this computer and QDOS and all things past that... Because QPC2 is FAST, in fact ED editor behaves like "embedded hardware" on my Win10/NUC10 core-i7. I now understand surface of PE/WMAN/HOTKEY above QDOS, so integrated SMSQ/E but most interesting for me is SBASIC interactive interpreter for FAST PROTOTYPING. I know its simple language, only integers/strings (I ignore floats, intentionally), only arrays, no structs, no hastables/dictionaries (sad?), the raw SBASIC integrates/mixes commands for text display IO, at least some colors (not much, but again, its FAST), but these are all nice constraints for simple/old language which mimics quite lot something I need to develop for my VMEX engine (RV32EM-like) as native "high-level assembler, slightly below C". And I can use SBASIC as transpilation target to model/prototype this thing, while having existing (G)UI features inside, having some real example app (yours great QLC, as norton-like commander is for me simply mandatory shell for everything with CPU inside ... on win, TotalCommander for decades, with notepad replaced by FAST SciTE). So, having QLC in source, right under hands to experiment and use INTERACTIVE INTERPRETER for quick changes/experiments with access to FAST ED (I wish to have this editor with almost "embedded speed" had syntax highlight, indentation awarenes, for "lineless ssb or my own syntax" ... this is something I can imagine to write as compiled extension, ya, but can live without that).

For me, this interpreter interactivity is KEY now. SBASIC is mixture of myriad commands, ya, no structs/records, no hash/dict but you DID real application in it - 4K lines is not bad for norton-like commander, IMHO, its now for me more readable and I can try some more refactorings around it, I can imagine more constants/styles/sharing for UI, even more simplified - sure, SBASIC has not "C printf", its now probably harder to externalize messages (but simple indexed preloaded array may be OK for this), it absolutely is OLD hairy style of mixture of logic and UI, so no MVC, no passive views, data model and controller (but I have some experience with this, as I in fact injected MVC-style in early 90ties into pascal-like interpreted DB environment and it WAS EASY... the final result). I simply saw QL(X)C as great example of REAL application with that simple features, where I can try to develop/model behavior of my own language, more near to "C" in syntax, but even simpler (targeting in fact VMEX "processor" in future, elsewhere, out of QDOS/SMSQ/E ...), testing whats possible to express in it, how easy and READABLE it is (for me, the KEY for swdev; forth-guys, excuse me ))).

I am also quite fine with simple text IO and few colors, while 4/8 is not much, but text screen is okay - as the VMEX is in fact mostly "embedded" thing, down to 8bit MCUs, while there I can imagine more terminal-style serial channel with few FAST control codes (even simpler than ADM/ANSI, may be near to C-Plus/4 only or so). Again, in SBASIC its integrated/glued into language. I only need to maintain more separation of things by organizing code, if possible, at least to try it, with so low lang features. BTW, in my lang, the ASLIX, even "for is considered harmfull; and goto is back;" :-)))

So, to not clash with the QLC, I will probably name it really QLXC, I understand my approach of "eXperimental reseaarch, almost" can be confusing for oldtimer QLer's... nearly crazy, ya )))

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Re: QLCOMMANDER - testers and help needed

Post by 7alken »

For those interested, here is my SciTE editor current state (win), usable for rendering this "simplified ssb" as VisualBasic (vb.properties) lexer. I hope configs are applicable to linux also.
231126a SciTE (mixworx).zip
(2.36 MiB) Downloaded 219 times

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Re: QLCOMMANDER - testers and help needed

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Created a new thread for this:

I install SciTE from the Linux Mint/Debian repository, seems SciTE is a well supported editor.

Here it is editing a Sinclair Spectrum Game: Haunted Bell Tower:
It looks to be running with LUA, which was another ideal for a QL Port.

I just have to setup up the links to sQLux or other QL emulator, to run the programme.
Last edited by Derek_Stewart on Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:20 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: QLCOMMANDER - testers and help needed

Post by Andrew »

7alken wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:16 pm ... SBASIC has not "C printf",...
It has PRINT_USING, which is close to C printf
https://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.i ... using.html

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