Announcement - new QL Interface

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Re: Announcement - new QL Interface

Post by polka »

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Hi all, some new issues -> questions :(

I set-up for the QL Tetroid/CF interface

Code: Select all

1/ a 512Mb CF card with four partitions :

0 GAL  40Mb 2Kb/block  80Kb-fat
1 BOY  80Mb 4Kb/block  80Kb-fat
2 CAT 160Mb 8Kb/block  80Kb-fat
3 DOG 216Mb 8Kb/block 108Kb-fat

2/ a 1Gb CF card with 14 partitions

 0 GIRL  40Mb  2Kb/block   80Kb-fat    default MDV1_
 1 BOY1  40Mb  2Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 2 BOY2  40Mb  2Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 3 BOY3  40Mb  2Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 4 CAT0 100Mb  4Kb/block  100Kb-fat    default MDV2_
 5 CAT1  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat    
 6 CAT2  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 7 CAT3  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 8 CAT4  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
 9 CAT5  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
10 CAT6  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
11 CAT7  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
12 CAT8  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat
13 CAT9  80Mb  4Kb/block   80Kb-fat

And added to my BOOT two basic procedures :

gal N : Partition N -> MDV1_
pet N : Partition N -> MDV2_

I will use the 512Mb card for experimenting and the 1Gb card as work disc

Yesterday, I tried the Habi disc image editor to transfer files from PC to QL/CF, and have some problems (thus questions) :

As I wanted to "organize" the files, I used the "create directory" option :

I first noticed that I could only have 127 files in each directory ?

and then, that that the names of the files "inserted" was appended with several random characters ?

This second issue does not happen when I insert files at the root of the partition as you can see in the attached screen capture : first, two files inserted at the root ; below, the same files under "HTML" directory. the different size of the d2h003_zip is because I inserted it "with header" option, whereas the doc2html_zip, I inserted it "without". But for zip files, the header is not important ?

What - is - or did I do - "wrong" with directories ? Of course, for all the files I inserted as zip files, I may easily write a little program that would automatically detect "_zip" in the file names and remove all the unwanted characters after.

Thanks beforehand


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Re: Announcement - new QL Interface

Post by QLvsJAGUAR »

Just a short note that QL/E is now available for the TDI![/youtube]

Keep on going the great work, Vitaliy!

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Re: Announcement - new QL Interface

Post by guibrush »

Thanks a lot for this image, this is what I was looking for for my setup, as I just ordered a tetroïd disk interface. Little question : is it possible to use a serial mouse with this distribution ?

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Re: Announcement - new QL Interface

Post by polka »

Hi !
After restoring (and saving from DISASTER !) my 8Gb CF chip like I tell here :
I saw this post about a QL/E image directly loadable on a 1Gb CF for Tetroid, and decided to try it.
I first checked for the geometry of the image and found out that it was of a CF a little smaller than mine (1958 tracks versus 1999), so :
I could use the Habi software to "Disc>Write disc" the image on my 1Gb CF. And it worked and the CF booted on my QL !

But :

As usual, the display was for 512x256 screen and was cut at both the vertical sides of my TV set.
My (much simpler) QL environment dimensions always everything inside a rectangle 484x256a14x0 (that is, reserving 14 pixels on each side).

Is there an easy way to modify the QL/E environment to adopt such reduced screen geometry, or have I to do all "by hand" ?

Anyway, thank's a lot for this novelty, I am eager to master it.

When I will have included Forth, I guess it will be perfect ! :mrgreen:


P.S. I guess that it worked because my QL is JS, but it should also work (I hope) on my other QL which is JM, because its Tetroid card includes Minerva.

May the FORTH be with you !
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