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New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:58 pm
by RalfR
Hmm, not really my thing, but seemed to be neccessary. The "Select all" is a bit too dark not really good to read.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:26 pm
by bwinkel67
I'm wired never to like updates but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Still trying to get settled with Windows 10 and definitely will not like 11 with its new interface but that's to be expected since Microsoft screws up every-other one. Still a fan of Windows 7.

I'll miss the QL color match and the compactness of the old forum :-/

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 7:40 pm
by pjw
Thanks, Rob Heaton, for all the work you do!

As with all such things, the new Forum will take some getting used to. I hope my sense of "strangeness" will pass quickly..

One issue I notice is that in the RSS email feed code comes without line endings! Ie all code from within code brackets comes as one long line! I hope thats easy to fix!

Viva QL Forum!

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:44 pm
by robheaton
Thanks for the feedback Gents, I will make some subtle changes to the colours and text size over the next few days/weeks.
I'll take a look at the RSS issue too!

The old theme we used on the forum was horribly broken on the new version of the software.
(I did spend a few hours trying to fix it, but I didn't really get anywhere)

The forum was long overdue some TLC, the old one was falling apart, registrations were broken, email notifications didn't work, the old server was slow, kept falling over and rendered parts of the QLWiki unusable.

I'm just hoping I've not broken anything in the process!

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:53 pm
by Sparrowhawk
Thanks for keeping these forums going and up to date :)

Really love the new banner ,but if I may make one suggestion: please make the banner smaller and also reduce the surrounding padding. On my spare old Dell laptop (running Zorin) at 1366x768, I only see the top half of the very first board, ie the Welcome one! Same kind of issue on mobile, which is a Galaxy S20, so the res there is very high - banner is a bit dominant.

Also you have QL forum in the graphic, then again below taking up more space - I'd just drop the text below?

Just a thought, feel free to ignore of course.

Anyway, looking forward to discovering what new features we have available now.

Thanks again.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:25 pm
by dilwyn
Long overdue update. Will probably take me a while to get used to all the different places to find commands etc. I generally like it apart from these three things:
1. Looks pretty much the same whether you're logged in or not (on the old one it looked different when you logged in).
2. New colours look washed out, as though a semi-translucent filter is overlaid in some areas. The use of red on reddish-black background at the top is an eye strain, barely readable on the cheaper of the two monitors here. Some of the two-tone greens could be brighter perhaps. The dark green in a CODE part of a post is barely readable on the black background.
3. The use of grey text on slightly darker grey background is a pain in the eyes if you're over 50!

Will be so good to have things like PM notifications working after all this time.

Good work guys.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:38 pm
by Derek_Stewart

Excellent upgrade, all the features of the forum are working great.

Thanks for all the hard work.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:43 pm
by RichardCGH
Really like the new look.
Much bigger text, the log in is much more obvious.
And e-mail notifications are working.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 9:58 am
by mk79
First of all, thanks for all the work, the QL forum is pretty much the last life line of the QL world.

The update seems to have fixed my RSS troubles. Previously the contents of RSS feed changed depending on my logged-in status, which resulted in already read messages showing up as new, which was pretty annoying.

If I have one grievance then how big everything has become. The header with the QL screenshot alone takes up halve my laptop screen, it's basically impossible to read or write anything without having to constantly scroll down. Apart from that everything seems to be fine.

All the best, Marcel

P.S.: Attached a screen shot to see what I mean. Might not be such a huge problem for 4K screens or whatever.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:14 am
by vanpeebles
Cheers everyone, the artwork was a quick one minute lashup as a place holder I made. Rob has done a ton of work, while I was away helping friends move house.