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Writing Arduino Libraries -- anyone? Free eBook.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:46 pm
by NormanDunbar
This is so far off topic, it goes right through and out the other side! ;)

For something else I'm doing, I wrote a quick and dirty operating system (QDOS), so sorry, eBook, on writing Arduino libraries, starting off simple by writing it in the usual Arduino Language suitable for use with the IDE as well as projects using PlatformIO (with the Arduino Framework).

Then I convert it from Arduino speak to AVR C++ speak, but it can still be used in the Arduino IDE and, again, in PlatformIO with the Arduino Framework.

Finally, I convert the Arduino structure into that which can be used natively by PlatformIO without the Arduino framework.

I'm sure there are some Arduino-ites on here, hidden, somewhere, so help yourselves, it's at ... ses/latest.

All the code is on GitHub, links are in the document.


Re: Writing Arduino Libraries -- anyone? Free eBook.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:36 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Norm

Quite a nice read but I do not know much about C++

But as a friend once said, "software, just a bit of typing..."

As we know its more than that.

Re: Writing Arduino Libraries -- anyone? Free eBook.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 5:01 pm
by NormanDunbar
Derek_Stewart wrote:Quite a nice read but I do not know much about C++
Thanks Derek, and by the way, my C++ knowledge is sadly lacking too. I know enough to be dangerous. :D
