transfer from pc to ql is it possible

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by tofro »

Just LRUN it.

It will lead you through the process, if I remember right.


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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by Traindriver69 »

hi tobias
sorry to sound thick but do i load up the microdrive with qterm first then lrun the config file or vice versa then what do i enter as when i run the program it asks me for source and destination.
cheers mark

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Source = Original Programme
Destination = Configured copy of Qterm

You should look at QEM and QLTerm.

QLTerm is by Jan Bredenbeek, who has just rejoined the QL Forum.


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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Mark

Having spent MANY hours playing with the Serial ports since I got my hands on a BBQL, my best advice is purchase and fit the HERMES IC - the co-processor replacement, responsible for serial input (plus some other activities) in the QL.

I would also install QPC on your PC so that you can unzip stuff within a QL environment.

I can transfer files with NO errors (as far as I can tell) between PC and BBQL at 19200 using simple COPY or SBYTES/LBYTES between the emulated QL and the real one - always using ser1h (for binaries) or ser1hz (for Basic programs and other normal text).

I regularly 'boot-strap' my BBQL this way as my ageing MDV cartridges barely last a few days, even after replacing the pads (see another thread for that topic...)

I know it might seem over-kill to invest in the QL before you've gotten very far, but prior to HERMES, I couldn't reliably move anything at any speed - and have saved myself many more hours having done so. I even started developing my own X/YModem package, but stalled that effort once I got reliable serial connection using HERMES.

Then go for the Minerva ROM replacement (tricky to find the small daughter-boards these days, but the ROM image itself is available on Dilwyn's site). The combination of HERMES and Minerva is, I would say, a bare minimum.

Oh, and then burn TK2 to the last 16k of an 64K EPROM used for Minerva and, with a simple hack of the daughter-board (also documented somewhere on Dilwyn's site), you have a respectable and reliable platform to play with.

(Of course, you'll need an EPROM programmer - I bought and use effective the 'MiniPro' - just don't be put off by the Chinese instructions/Help!)

In short - don't bother messing about with the serial connections using the original co-processor - life is too short and you want to free up more time to enjoy the QL!

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by Mr_Navigator »

This issue of QL USER


is a transfer program between a ZX Spectrum and a Sinclair QL using the Serial ports using the fastest protocol that would work at the time. You could use this as a starting point.

Unfortunately my copy and the listing (I wrote the article, built the connecting lead, bought the t-shirt, watched the video :)) are far from accessible at the moment or I would have posted them here. If anyone does have access to this, please feel free.

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by dilwyn »

Here's the Spectrum-QL article, OCRed from QL User. Layout not the same, but hopefully makes sense.

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by RWAP »

Excellent - thanks Lee and Dilwyn :)

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by ppe »

If I have the energy later today I will post a step-by-step key-by-key replay of how to successfully transfer files with the QTerm/TeraTerm combination.

We know your serial cable works since you are saying you were able to transfer QTerm using my Xmodem hack. And having done quite a few transfers with QTerm/TeraTerm combo I know that combination works on a standard (640k) QL, albeit with low transfer speeds (2400, maybe sometimes 4800 baud) if you don't have Hermes.


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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by Traindriver69 »

when i run config_bas file i type mdv1_ which has the qterm boot cartridge and mdv2_ which has a blank cart which i take will create a version of qterm with the config i wish to use but it keeps coming up with at line 1360 error in expression any help please.

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Re: transfer from pc to ql is it possible

Post by Traindriver69 »

Is it that the config program is written for floppy drives only as when I start it up it comes up flp1_qterm_cde and flp2 for the destination but when I change both to mdv the microdrive starts to run then I get the error.
Any help please

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