QL Tinkering

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by RalfR »

Looks great, thabk you, though it was just my thing, perhaps others...?


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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by qbits »

Hi RalfR
Here’s the QBITS QLFont Editor.with my usual attached pdf and few Font files to check out

Once downloaded and fired up you may want to check out the Fonts Andrews has posted under Fonts in Software & Programming.

I have given Giro Rescue a bit of a QBITS makeover to run on my QPC11 set up - hope Henry has no objections.

QLFontEdit.jpg (38.82 KiB) Viewed 5383 times
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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by RalfR »

Great stuff, thank you!

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by RalfR »

Now carry on with "Rotate", "Flip", "Shift up/down/left/right"


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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by Mark Swift »

Hi All,

Recently I ventured up into my loft to check out my QL bits and pieces.

I bought an external USB drive from Amazon thinking it would be a quick job to transfer my QL disks as images to my Mac. It was harder than I expected. Many of the discs wouldn't read completely so in the end I only got through a handful.

Here's a small program that I found which I think falls into the tinkering category. It doesn't do anything spectacular. It draws a circle using integer arithmetic.
I remember that I converted it to BASIC from a ZX spectrum Z80 machine code routine which I wrote. This is why there a lot of GO TO and GO SUB statements.
There are no useful comments, and I have almost completely forgotten how it works.

I vaguely remember that it makes a decision on the next X,Y pixel to plot based on the difference between the square of the radius (which it pre-calculates), and the sum of the squares of the new X and Y (which it accumulates).

Being integer based its quite fast.


Code: Select all

100 REMark A circle routine using only
110 REMark integer arithmetic.
120 REMark Converted some time ago from
130 REMark a ZX Spectrum Z80 m/c routine
140 REMark I wrote once.
150 REMark -Mark Swift-
200 MODE 4
210 OPEN#3;scr_512x256a0x0
220 CLS#3
230 LET XC=188: LET YC=128
240 LET RX=140: LET RY=95
250 LET WidX=14:LET WidY=10
260 GO SUB 500
280 CLOSE#3
290 STOP
510 DIM S(18)
550 LET XR=INT (RX-INT(WidX/2)): LET YR=INT (RY-INT(WidY/2)): LET Index=1: GO SUB 1000
560 LET XR=INT (RX+INT((WidX+1)/2)): LET YR=INT (RY+INT((WidY+1)/2)): LET Index=10: GO SUB 1000
570 LET Xf=S(1): LET Xt=S(10): LET Y=0: GO SUB 710
580 LET Index=1
590 IF S(Index)=0 THEN  GO TO 610
600 GO SUB 1100: IF YI=0 THEN  GO TO 600
610 LET Index=1
620 LET Xf=S(Index): IF S(Index)=0 THEN  GO TO 640
630 GO SUB 1100: IF YI=0 THEN  GO TO 620
640 LET Index=10
650 IF S(Index)=0 THEN RETurn 
660 GO SUB 1100: IF YI=0 THEN  GO TO 650
670 LET Xt=S(10): LET Y=S(11): GO SUB 690
680 GO TO 610
690 REMark 
700 GO SUB 710: LET Y=-Y: GO SUB 710: RETurn 
710 REMark 
720 IF Xf<=0 THEN  GO TO 770
730 BLOCK#3;(Xt-Xf+1),1,(XC+Xf),YC+Y,7
740 BLOCK#3;(Xt-Xf+1),1,(XC-Xt),YC+Y,7
750 BLOCK#3;(Xf+Xf-1),1,(XC-Xf+1),YC+Y,2
760 RETurn 
770 BLOCK#3;(Xt+Xt+1),1,(XC-Xt),YC+Y,7
780 RETurn 
1000 REMark Initialisation routine
1010 REMark for elipse procedure.
1020 LET S(Index)=XR: LET S(Index+1)=0
1030 LET S(Index+2)=YR*YR: LET S(Index+3)=XR*XR
1040 LET S(Index+4)=S(Index+2)*XR: LET S(Index+5)=2*S(Index+4)
1050 LET S(Index+6)=0: LET S(Index+7)=S(Index+5)
1060 LET S(Index+8)=0
1070 RETurn 
1100 REMark 
1110 LET AX=ABS(S(Index+6)): LET AY=ABS(S(Index+7)): LET E1=S(Index+8)
1120 IF AY>AX+AX THEN  GO TO 1150
1130 IF S(Index+6)>0 THEN  LET P1=1: LET E1=E1-S(Index+7)-S(Index+2): GO TO 1160
1140 IF S(Index+6)<0 THEN  LET P1=-1: LET E1=E1+S(Index+7)-S(Index+2): GO TO 1160
1150 LET P1=0
1160 IF AX>AY+AY THEN  GO TO 1190
1170 IF S(Index+7)>0 THEN  LET Q1=1: LET E1=E1+S(Index+6)-S(Index+3): GO TO 1200
1180 IF S(Index+7)<0 THEN  LET Q1=-1: LET E1=E1-S(Index+6)-S(Index+3): GO TO 1200
1190 LET Q1=0
1200 LET AX=ABS(S(Index+4)): LET AY=ABS(S(Index+5)): LET E2=S(Index+8)
1210 IF AY>AX+AX THEN  GO TO 1240
1220 IF S(Index+4)>0 THEN  LET P2=1: LET E2=E2-S(Index+7)-S(Index+2): GO TO 1250
1230 IF S(Index+4)<0 THEN  LET P2=-1: LET E2=E2+S(Index+7)-S(Index+2): GO TO 1250
1240 LET P2=0
1250 IF AX>AY+AY THEN  GO TO 1280
1260 IF S(Index+5)>0 THEN  LET Q2=1: LET E2=E2+S(Index+6)-S(Index+3): GO TO 1290
1270 IF S(Index+5)<0 THEN  LET Q2=-1: LET E2=E2-S(Index+6)-S(Index+3): GO TO 1290
1280 LET Q2=0
1290 IF ABS(E1)<=ABS(E2) THEN  LET XI=P1: LET YI=Q1: LET S(Index+8)=E1: GO TO 1310
1300 LET XI=P2: LET YI=Q2: LET S(Index+8)=E2
1310 IF YI<0 THEN  GO TO 1340
1320 IF YI=0 THEN  GO TO 1350
1330 LET S(Index+1)=S(Index+1)+1: LET S(Index+6)=S(Index+6)-2*S(Index+3): GO TO 1350
1340 LET S(Index+1)=S(Index+1)-1: LET S(Index+6)=S(Index+6)+2*S(Index+3)
1350 IF XI<0 THEN  GO TO 1380
1360 IF XI=0 THEN  GO TO 1390
1370 LET S(Index)=S(Index)+1: LET S(Index+7)=S(Index+7)+2*S(Index+2): GO TO 1390
1380 LET S(Index)=S(Index)-1: LET S(Index+7)=S(Index+7)-2*S(Index+2)
1390 IF S(Index+8)<0 THEN  GO TO 1410
1400 LET S(Index+4)=S(Index+6)+S(Index+7)/2: LET S(Index+5)=S(Index+7)-S(Index+6)/2: GO TO 1420
1410 LET S(Index+4)=S(Index+6)-S(Index+7)/2: LET S(Index+5)=S(Index+7)+S(Index+6)/2
1420 RETurn 
(1.55 KiB) Downloaded 106 times

It's the first time I've posted here so I hope I get the formatting/attachments correct.

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by qbits »

Mark Swift
Your Circle_bas Prog draws a circle expanding from the centre line of x,y increasing segment by segment using the BLOCK command.
On a BBQL it is slow enough to see the circle grow. On more updated platforms the circle appears instantly unless Pause are inserted.
From a Tinkering Point of View does the code have any practical use for other Progs???

Thanks for your thoughts/request, here is the Editor with Flip, Pan, Scroll, Rotate and I added Colour as an extra.
It kept me busy for a while and was fun to do, hope it meets all your expectation.
I had one problem being a 9x8 matrix the Rotate clips the bottom row.

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by pjw »

Yet another Circle program using pixel coordinates. This one does some floating point
calculations (COS/SIN) but is pretty fast all the same. Does both filled and outline
circles, and circles may be made to appear round on displays with square pixels (like
QPC2) or oblong ones (like QL) by altering the Squash parameter.

A reason for publishing it here is to check whether the end-of-line issue has been
resolved in CODE segments sent out via email using the RSS feed.

Code: Select all

1 rem RUN in standard 3-screen console
5 :
10 CLS
12 Circ#1; 128,100, 98, 1, 1, 1:   rem QPC
14 Circ#1; 128,101,100, .75, 4, 1: rem QL
16 :
100 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
102 rem |<                                 Circle                                 >|
104 rem + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +
106 rem |           Draw filled or empty ellipse using pixel coordinates           |
108 rem |                                                                          |
110 rem |    ch%    = channel number                                               |
112 rem |    x%, y% = centre coordinates                                           |
114 rem |    r%     = radius                                                       |
116 rem |    s      = "squash". Round QPC2 etc: 1, QL etc: 0.75                    |
118 rem |    c      = colour                                                       |
120 rem |    f      = fill; 1 => fill, 0 => empty                                  |
122 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
124 rem | V0.04, pjw, Jun 2003, Screen coordinates (BLOCK)                         |
126 rem | V0.06, pjw, Jan 2018, optimised density, added squash                    |
128 rem | V0.06, pjw, 2022 Nov 13, Tidied and added header                         |
130 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
132 :
134 DEFine PROCedure Circ(ch%, x%, y%, r%, s, c, f)
136 LOCal i, tx%, ty%, n%
138 n% = 1
140 BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x%, y%, c
142 IF f THEN
144  FOR i = 0 TO PI / 2 STEP 5 / (2 * PI * r%)
146   tx% = COS(i) * r%: ty% = SIN(i) * r% * s
148   BLOCK#ch%; tx% + tx%, n%, x% - tx%, y% + ty%, c
150   BLOCK#ch%; tx% + tx%, n%, x% - tx%, y% - ty%, c
152  END FOR i
154 ELSE
156  FOR i = 0 TO PI / 2 STEP 16 / (2 * PI * r%)
158   tx% = COS(i) * r%: ty% = SIN(i) * r% * s
160   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% + tx%, y% + ty%, c
162   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% - tx%, y% + ty%, c
164   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% - tx%, y% - ty%, c
166   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% + tx%, y% - ty%, c
168  END FOR i
170 END IF
172 END DEFine
174 :

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by dilwyn »

pjw wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:46 am
A reason for publishing it here is to check whether the end-of-line issue has been
resolved in CODE segments sent out via email using the RSS feed.
Apparently not...

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by RalfR »

qbits wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:00 pmRalfR
Thanks for your thoughts/request, here is the Editor with Flip, Pan, Scroll, Rotate and I added Colour as an extra.
It kept me busy for a while and was fun to do, hope it meets all your expectation.
I had one problem being a 9x8 matrix the Rotate clips the bottom row.

Thanks a lot, that is really very good, my compliments!

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Re: QL Tinkering

Post by pjw »

dilwyn wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:00 am
pjw wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:46 am
A reason for publishing it here is to check whether the end-of-line issue has been
resolved in CODE segments sent out via email using the RSS feed.
Apparently not...
At least your email client wraps ;) Mine just heads off into cyberspace..

dont be happy. worry
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