QXL Networking

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Re: QXL Networking

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Derrick!
Derek_Stewart wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:16 am Does the corrected QXL speed value, does the corrected value affect the speed of the QXL?
No, Im afraid not :-) By providing the 'correct' MHz value as a parameter to the procedure, it simply recalculates the Net Time-constants to work correctly with the actual CPU clock, producing the standard Net bit-timings.
Derek_Stewart wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:16 am Also if the the QXl was pushed over its maximum speed would corrected values make the QXL access the QL Network when running at say... 80-100Mhz (a silly idea I know, but just thinking aloud)
In principal, yes :-)

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Re: QXL Networking

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Martyn,

The Altera EP1810LC-25T fitted to the QXL cards is rated to run at a maxiumum speed of 50Mhz.

I think overclocking the QXL by putting an Oscillator of a greater clock speed of 50Mhz will cause the EP1810 to shut down or become too hot to run.

I thought about fitting a 68RC060RC50 CPU with an adpater to convert 68040 signals and separate the 3.3v on the 68060 from the 5v on the 68040. An adapter is already done from the Amiga world.

I have 2 kits to make 68040-68060 adapters, just soldering up, time permitting.

Fitting a 68060 50Mhz rubs at full speed and would run the the QXLII operating system zt 50Mhz.

I also have 2 blank QXL PCB, which I might draw up the schematics and PCB in a CAD program.

The stumbling block was the QL Network, which with your timming program sounds like it could solve the problem.

I might get around to this...


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