Computer Archaeology from Berlin

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Computer Archaeology from Berlin

Post by Microprofessor »


I've got the link to this board from a german classic computing board. There I was (I am!) searching for some microdrives from a "C" development kit for the QL.

I am a media studies scholar from Berlin and I am having a research project about "The Archaeology of early Micro Computers and their Programming Languages" which covers the single board computers and micro computers from the early seventies until the midth of the eighties - by name: until the Sinclair QL because this was one of the first 16 bit home computers BUT it did not come with a GUI operating system.

Even if the most computers in my/our collection are 4- and 8 bit computers, the 16 bit systems describe an important "border" for my researches because with them the home computer era ended.

So, I am very curious about my "first contacts" with the QL - I bought one rb. 1,5 years ago but did not use it (just tested its functionality). Last week I bought the "C" development kit becaus some of my students told me there are more programming languages than BASIC, assembly, Forth and LOGO ... :D


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Re: Computer Archaeology from Berlin

Post by vanpeebles »

Hello and welcome! :) I'm impressed at being linked on the classic german board 8-)

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