QSpell and SpellBound

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Chuggy Microdrive
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QSpell and SpellBound

Post by Haemogoblin »

Hey guys

I've been going through my software (what little i have) for Outsoft. Basically my intention was to send him some of the micro tapes i have containing software. Almost all of them I've had trouble reading from.

This came to a head this morning when I had a look at two original programs I have. QSpell on microdrive and Spellbound on floppy. My QL can read both, but reports reading errors.

I was wondering if I can download these someplace and restore the original software. I've actually been using Quill to do a bit of writing for my blog, just for a bit of fun. So having a spell checker wouldn't be half bad at all :D

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by RWAP »

Both QSpell and SpellBound have been preserved :)

Unfortunately, both programs are still subject to copyright - so I can provide working copies for you, but only if you provide me with some evidence that you own the originals (photo of the manuals, boxes or disks etc). I do ask a small fee to help cover the costs of the preservation project.

I have tried several times to get the current owners of the EIdersoft titles (including QSpell) to respond about releasing their titles as freeware, but unfortunately, after a couple of initial emails, they stopped responding (although they are still clearly in business).

David Batty of Sector Software still trades - perhaps you should contact him about Spellbound and if he cannot supply a working copy, then use that as a suggestion for him to make the Sector Software titles freeware!! :D

As you may have noticed, as part of my own personal preservation project, I have been trying to track down and contact the copyright holders, but I am not currently willing to do this to ask about titles being made freeware.

If others want to take on the mantel, then feel free - I can provide details of who owns the EIdersoft titles for example!

Ralf R.

Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by Ralf R. »

Would be interesting to know, what's about QJump's QTYPE?

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by RWAP »

So far as I know, QTYP is still commercial software - I tried contacting Tony Tebby but did not get a response....

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by Haemogoblin »

Hi Rich

How much would you want for backups of both? I can provide pictures of the packaging and a receipt for Spellbound, dated 1987 :-)

I was intending to send these less then working copies to Simon, in the hopes he could salvage something useful for preservation.

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by Haemogoblin »

In addition if you have contact details for the copyright holders. I would be more the happy to approach them. :)

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by RWAP »

Sector Software have a website - http://sectorsoftware.co.uk/ (or contact David Batty on Facebook)

I need to check the website for the copyright holders for EIdersoft - they are now a PC company....

If you are happy to have the software as PC folders to attach to q-emulator - I can send copies of both for £4. PM me with the pictures.

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by Haemogoblin »

Will they work with QPC? As that is the emulator I have setup alongside my QL. If I can get working copies back to the QL, it will mean I can send Simon my originals, minus the packaging of course ;-)

But my intention is to use the software on my physical QL.

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by RWAP »

Simone should not need originals of these, so worth checking :)

The easiest way to transfer software I find, is to use q-emulator - you can use the free version as I have stored all of the preserved images as windows folders which can be attached to q-emulator and copied to QL disk.

For QPC, I would have to re-zip the packages on the QL side to create a QL zip package (as that preserves the file headers).

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Re: QSpell and SpellBound

Post by dilwyn »

RWAP wrote:Simone should not need originals of these, so worth checking :)

The easiest way to transfer software I find, is to use q-emulator - you can use the free version as I have stored all of the preserved images as windows folders which can be attached to q-emulator and copied to QL disk.

For QPC, I would have to re-zip the packages on the QL side to create a QL zip package (as that preserves the file headers).
Rich might not appreciate me pointing this out, but here goes anyway.

"Easy" is a word I might dispute in this respect:

(1) Q-Emulator stores executable programs on non-QDOS media by adding several bytes to a file because Windows, Linux, Mac, Dropbox et al don't know about QL headers and just forget them. Result - destroyed program files which less experienced users can't hope to recover without help.

(2) zipping direct from these non-QDOS media doesn't store the files correctly for QDOS on other platforms - such zip files will only work on QemuLator and anything else which understands QemuLator modified files.

(3) to work around this, copy the files to a QDOS medium such as ramdisk or QDOS format floppy disk before zipping them. That will ensure they work on other systems too, because it forces QemuLator to "un-modify" the files by copying them to a medium it knows can handle QL executable file headers. Been caught out by this in the past and accidentally put QemuLator format stuff (sent to me ready zipped by well intentioned users) on my site without me checking them (Rich knows, I've moaned in the past).

(4) use of zip on QemuLator is complicated by the fact it takes 110 seconds just to read a directory on my system. I've tried more than one version of QDOS zip with similar results, and you get the same results when using ACP or Zip Manager for example. I've always had zip use ramdisc for its temporary files, would be interesting to reconfigure it to put them elsewhere to see if it solves this. This is just one of QemuLator's little foibles - try using hotkeys assigned to non-letter keys in SBASIC on QemuLator, the only way is to HOT_DO them!!!

(5) what this means is in addition to copying stuff out of the non-QDOS media to un-modify the files, you have to wait 110 seconds for it to try to read a non-existent zip file, then wait for it to add the files selected into the zip, then wait for it to read the directory again at the end (another 110 seconds - by now I'm finding watching the paint dry more interesting) - it all takes more than two or three times the time of a BBQL or QPC2 to do the same thing. Makes no difference using QDOS or SMSQ on QemuLator, by the way.

Rant over.

To be less negative, there are plenty of redeeming features:

QemuLator drive slot assignments make it very easy to read files direct from a Dropbox or other non-QDOS media without having to go through convoluted transfer software.

QemuLator lets you treat a zip file as a drive by assigning it to a drive slot. You can only read the file, not add to it directly, you have to use QDOS Zip to do that.

QemuLator gives you access to QDOS and SMSQ/E, and can emulate Aurora and Q40/Q60 colour modes with the appropriate version of SMSQ/E. This is fantastic for testing software, you can do so much on one system. You can tell it to use 128K RAM or expanded memory sizes, and tell it to run at normal QL speed, Gold Card, or as fast as your PC/Mac will allow it to (which is usually really fast!)

Before anyone thinks I was moaning too much... Since an invitation was extended to try to get helpers, I wanted to make you aware of the kind of things which can be problematical, which you might not expect to cause this work to take up more time than you'd expect. So, don't let it put you off, but it you volunteer to help with the work and immediately run into issues like this, ask us to share our experience before letting it put you off immediately!

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