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Re: CBZone

Post by vanpeebles »

With a floppy drive and 512k expansion you are already set up for a lot of stuff :)

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Re: CBZone

Post by Haemogoblin »

I had thought so, but it's been hit and miss getting software to run. For instance Tron2010 runs, but the graphical intro glitches on my system with pink flashing blocks. I'd hoped to run the GNU Chess, but I cant work out how to get it running on my system. I think some of these programs expect Toolkit to be present.
I was hoping to try out Psion Chess, but it's £5. For a 30 year old game, I'm a little reluctant to spend that sort of money. especially when NEW Spectrum games cost me less. That's really the main thing holding me back, from getting in to the QL any deeper :-/

The people of this forum have been super friendly and helpful. I've really enjoyed using the machine, it's easy to use, QDOS is the best operating system on any 8bit machine I've ever used lol I only wish the Plus2 was this easy to use! Copying to and from my CF adapter is a really chore.

Atm I'm using Quill to write the article about my QL experience. Which will later end up on my blog :-)
Last edited by Haemogoblin on Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CBZone

Post by vanpeebles »

You have probably been unlucky with some of the games you have been picking. From Dilwyns site http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/games/ I'd check out Adventure 93, Ekotek The Simulator, Here We Go, The Blag 2. There is a load of stuff I haven't tried. I quite liked catchjack which was simple but quite atmospheric.

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Re: CBZone

Post by vanpeebles »

Oh and try the demo version of Fleet Tactical Command. FTC.

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Chuggy Microdrive
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Re: CBZone

Post by Haemogoblin »

Thanks for that I'll give them a try :-)

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Re: CBZone

Post by Haemogoblin »

Wedgie - a chess game written in superbasic, does not appear to work on my QL either, but fine in QPC2. I get to entering my name and i'm back at command prompt DOH!

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Re: CBZone

Post by RWAP »

There is an ever growing amount of freeware to be found on DIlwyn's website - but yes, a lot of it does rely on Toolkit II being present, so ideally you need to find yourself a Toolkit II EPROM cartridge, a Trump Card or another EPROM cartridge that someone will program Toolkit II onto for you.

The main reason for software appearing more expensive than for (say) the ZX Spectrum is basically because it was always a lot more expensive and much of the second hand stuff on ebay is listed at high prices (claiming collectors status) as it was never produced in great numbers.

I (and others more recently) have spent many hours and money acquiring several copies of older software in order to preserve a fully working copy - add to that the time it takes to remove copy protection, and that is why the backup copies I offer via www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/updates.html costs at £5 on disk. Note however, that these are only backup copies and because of copyright, you would still need to prove to me that you own an original copy (albeit non-working).

I have also worked with various copyright holders to release a series of box-sets which are good value at £20 for 6 games on average - http://www.sellmyretro.com/search/natur ... ql+box-set

If people want more access to low cost (or free) software, then unfortunately, I can only suggest that you do your bit in helping to track down the copyright holders / authors and obtain their permission.

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Re: CBZone

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I have not looked at CBZONE for a long time, but it sort of runs on SMSQmulator under SMSQ/E v3.26. But the graphics need a little tweaking and the game is too fast.

Since the C source is included, I think something could be done with this. I was thinking of correcting the graphics issue and trying to work out a delay function relative the type of machine running, so that the game runs at the same speed irrespective of speed of the QL system.


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Re: CBZone

Post by Haemogoblin »

Hi Rich

I think it is great that your taking the time to reach out to the developers, so this software can be legitimately distributed. Even in the short time I've been exposed to the QL, it's obvious that software is sparse on the ground. It reminds me of the Memotech MTX in a lot of ways actually, a computer with an even shorter life span then the QL. But even a rare machine like the Memotech that was around for 2 years, has a lot of it's software library online for users to access.

I've found the QL a fun machine to use this past month and while I might not be as seasoned as other users on here, I can certainly see the appeal. But as a new user, I have to say the pricing of software did catch me by surprise. The titles you have listed on your website certainly do look interesting, but at £5 and £10 each, it's a little more then I'm willing to invest in a machine at such an early stage. Especially when I'm still not sure about collecting for it. Had the pricing been a little lower, it might have attracted my attention more then it did. If your an existing user with a lot of time and money already invested in the QL, the titles are probably very appealing. But for a first user, not so much.

I think perhaps you also miss understood me when I was talking about Spectrum software. I was referring to newly released software that has been published in the past few years. Cronosoft offer new titles and not just for the Sinclair Spectrum, with the average price of a cassette costing £3.99.
Considering this is a 'new' program for a machine just as old as the QL, its very reasonably priced. There is also the option to download the TAP file for free on some of the titles, so you can try it out on an emulator. The developer is clearly interested in encourage people to use their machines and have fun, more then obtaining any financial gain. After all developing software for these machines isn't going to make anyone rich :D Am I suggesting you do the same? certainly not, if your putting time and effort in, its your decision how your compensated.

However I do think at the current prices, many newcomers like myself will opt to invest in a machine they already own or collect something else. Thus loosing the QL community another potential member. At present I'm still on the fence, only because I think it's a fun / interesting machine to use and the user base are a friendly bunch. Had it not been for Dilwyn's amazing website and the forum, I doubt I'd have given the QL a second thought.

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Re: CBZone

Post by Martin_Head »

Haemogoblin wrote:I had thought so, but it's been hit and miss getting software to run. For instance Tron2010 runs, but the graphical intro glitches on my system with pink flashing blocks.
Something you may need to bear in mind is that some of the very old QL software used to load itself at a very low memory address to fit in a 128K machine with only the microdrives. When you have a floppy disk installed, it grabs a bigger piece of RAM than the microdrives. So the above software can crash into the floppy driver and cause all sorts of crashes and odd behaver.

Martin Head

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