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Post by vanpeebles »

Thank you Bob and Simon for giving Quanta a go :)

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Post by bobmc »

I'm sorry to say that I've requested a refund as I personally think that it's not acceptable that the Treasurer has totally ignored my emails for information. He may well be away on business but that shouldn't stop him responding to his email's!

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Post by RWAP »

He has been away on holiday - Bob, I do think it is unreasonable to expect a response from someone who is doing an unpaid job voluntarily to work 24/7 - actually it is one of the problems with modern life...

In the 80s people would send a cheque by post and wait 28 days or so for a hopeful delivery.
Letters took 2-3 days to arrive and you might get a response the next week. If you phoned someone and there was no answer, then you would try again another day (some posh people did have an answer phone).

Nowadays, people are expected to have a mobile phone which they will answer 24 hours a day no matter where they are. If you're away from home or even not in the office, people still expect you to access your emails and reply within a few minutes!

In the 1990s I ended up going away for holidays as otherwise I would have people phoning me from work to sort out things rather than it waiting until my return, or if urgent, someone else putting their brain in gear and attempting to sort it, or even send a holding letter.

Certainly if I ever go away on holiday - or even for a walk with the dog, I might take my mobile phone, but the chances of me answering it is minimal - after all I am having a break away from the pressures of work. I don't have a smart phone (and I doubt the treasurer does either), so that means no email access unless you take a laptop with you - but then, who wants to be taking a break, answering emails about business?

Unfortunately, some people do - hence you see people going for a horse ride tapping away at their mobile phone, or on a beach sat with a laptop working....

Whatever happened to having time for yourself?

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Post by vanpeebles »

I'm a 30 something and I'm stanch anti mobile phone. Utterly trivial. Even worse when you see people driving while using them, hang the lot!

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Post by RWAP »

I have to admit that when driving you do see some really bad drivers and 19 times out of 20 they are on a mobile phone. Whether it's the mobile phone causing the issue, or bad drivers just don't care about using a mobile is open to debate.

I have seen people driving to work having a shave in the rear view mirror, and women putting on makeup as they drive along - the mobile phone is just another aggravation...

Oh well it is off topic - the issue is over Quanta.

I do agree with the general comment that they can be slow to respond to emails in general or provide feedback - I have asked things which the Committee need to discuss, but then only find out the committee's comments when I read the next magazine...

It would help, if, for instance, when one committee member is going on holiday, their emails were forwarded to the rest of the committee (or at least another member), so that the emails can be monitored and replied to....

Mind the housing association where I used to work never managed to implement this successfully - let alone a bunch of volunteers!

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Post by Simon_Carr »

bobmc wrote:Hi,
I'm sorry to say that I've requested a refund as I personally think that it's not acceptable that the Treasurer has totally ignored my emails for information. He may well be away on business but that shouldn't stop him responding to his email's!
I hear what you say Bob, and it does seem a bit unprofessional on Quanta's part, but...

They are an amateur society, and by the sounds of things they do need a fresh influx of blood to freshen things up a bit. I also would have liked there to have been some sort of response after paying my subs, but I can be patient, especially if the membership person has been away on holiday. If things don't improve over the course of the year, well, then that is a different matter!

However, it does suggest that, having done the website refresh, it would be worth having the Quanta secretary or other committee members a bit more switched on to the implications of a key member being away from email, with shared access to key contact emails etc... This is not difficult to set up and manage, and would avoid such issues developing.

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Post by tofro »

Well, as someone watching QUANTA from the outside for quite some time now, this organization has started in times when you were expected to send an SSAE (wonder how long this acronym is still going to be known) when you wanted an answer. You probably didn't ;)

Apparently, they haven't moved far from there.

But, to be fair - Those guys are not payed for their work, all they do is voluntary, and most of them have now done it for quite some time voluntarily now, so you should probably show a bit of patience with them.


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Post by M68008 »

In the 80s people would send a cheque by post and wait 28 days or so for a hopeful delivery.
Or even send £399 to Sinclair to receive a short letter one month later mentioning delays... :lol:

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Post by Dave »


The membership@quanta.org.uk email should be monitored by a replacement person when the membership secretary takes a holiday. Membership is MISSION CRITICAL to Quanta, and failing to provision alternative manpower is a failing Quanta needs to address. There should always be a back-up individual identified for every Quanta mailbox.

It is completely reasonable for the membership secretary to take a vacation and not answer mail. Quanta can easily assign people to cover other people when they're busy/distracted/vacationing.

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Post by RWAP »

Dave wrote:Quanta can easily assign people to cover other people when they're busy/distracted/vacationing.
Actually that is not as easy as you would think - the membership secretary is married to the chairman.

Dilwyn (the news editor) is also having trouble finding time at the moment (thoughts are with you and Ann).

That leaves 5 other committee members - some of whom have more modern IT skills than others.

The committee has been trying desperately to get new blood, new ideas and more skilled people involved in running Quanta, but there are never any volunteers!

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