I hate BREXIT !

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by NormanDunbar »

Dilwyn wrote:Well now I've learned something. I thought that the Little Chef chain had long since gone.
I thought so too!


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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by stevepoole »

Hi Folks,

Please don't think that the video (with Zemmour) in any way represents typical french opinion... He is recognised as an unfrequentable extremist !

To my mind, Brexit happened because of the ' yes/no' vote, which left no choice for middle-grounders !
A ' yes/renegotiate/no' choice would have avoided the present situation, but I blame the British gutter-press for reporting false information to people.

And now the BBC, one of the few remaining unbiased medias, is under attack I see. (We can't even receive it any more here in Normandy).

Taking Britain out of Europe was perhaps just a scam to save Tax havens, which Europe is gradually phasing out...

But Britain is still very much linked to Europe, just as siamese-twins share common ressources inextricably !

(Remember that the establishment is still partly run by the descendants of Norman barons.....)


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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by Pr0f »

Yes - that referendum was to show the opinion of the public - and it was pretty much split down the middle - 49%/51% - yet on the basis of that they went ahead with it! With all the falsehoods, a lack of explaining what the pros and cons were for each choice, and with people in Government just using the excuse that it's what the people wanted - when have we (the public) ever made good choices without guidance?

It was a farce.

You can't win an election in the UK with such a narrow margin - but apparently you can use that narrow margin to say that's what the whole public wanted - even though half clearly didn't.

I can't help thinking that this is the start of Europe crumbling, but I can trust nothing I read in the press these days - so must rely on an averaged view based on as many sources as I can find. Even Google will tend to only show you things you want to see - so switching the bias on questions and queries back and forward seems to throw the filtering model and give me a more general view.

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by Ruptor »

This thread gives the impression you are a bunch of white supremacists :shock: but I don't think so. :lol:
stevepoole wrote:To my mind, Brexit happened because of the ' yes/no' vote, which left no choice for middle-grounders ! A ' yes/renegotiate/no' choice would have avoided the present situation, but I blame the British gutter-press for reporting false information to people.
Some things seem to be forgotten about our path to Brexit. One is that Cameron wanted to negotiate changes but was given an emphatic no from the EU that expected a stay vote based on votes in other countries that had close results. Also there was a strong push for a referendum as we now know from over 50% several years before any campaigning. Business was happy but the people were not with an EU super state and open borders hence Brexit. The politicians are to blame for letting the EU form from the common market. For centuries the French, Spanish & Germans have been trying to control Britain and they have failed again. :lol:
The biggest problem is the lack of real journalists that dig up the truth. Now they repeat twitter feeds and all jump on band wagons that are wrong like claiming government guidelines are confusing so morons use it as an excuse not to follow them. Brexit came at the right time because we can decide to use the vaccines instead of waiting for the EU to approve them which is what Germany is complaining about. :lol: Great Britain is back and we should set up a common market that anybody can join if they are a free society like Britain to show them how it should be done. :)
Political rant over, back to realty and medical equipment development.

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by Tinyfpga »

Ahh the thousand things that need to be changed!
I run an incorporated entity in the UK, it is of no consequence and the following is a small selection of those thousand things that I have to comply with:-
Leaving the EU changes nothing.

At number 1 is the EU's Mifid II directive at a mere 1.4 million paragraphs.
Anyway comply I do. I have never read the directive and probably never will but still I am bound by it and have to pay a yearly fee to a private organisation to obtain an LEI (Legal Entity Identifier). From my point of view the only result of Mifid II is to create a private taxation system

At number 2 is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The minimum fine for a breach appears to be 10 million Euros. The state knows that I do not comply (regular warning letters) but have so far chosen to ignore my wilful attitude. Luckily I have some spare cash to cover this.

In equal positions 3 and 4, are the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) and the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU).
Feel free to look them up.

At number 5, is a real surprise. To obtain an EC declaration of conformity, circuit diagrams and documentation of products of an electrical nature have to comply with EU regulations.
So, no, you can't just write and draw what you like. I of course take no notice of this and can't even be bothered to stick an EC stamp on things I make.
I am sure some day the newly formed EU electro-police will bang on my door saying "We know you're in there come out now or we will come in and get you".

I quote from the internet:-
a. The latest European Union requirements for electrical documentation have been tightened so much, that you almost have to be a professor to document correctly. The ordinary engineer does not stand a chance to do so without being supported
b. A 2012 survey of electronic products in Europe found that, from a sample size of 10,000, approximately two-thirds were non-compliant with the rules in some way. This included both technical and documentation requirements

c. It is thought that the EU state tangles small and medium-sized firms in a twine of red tape so dense, that It has created a scenario where small organisations have become too small to comply.

Chinese companies have no such problems as they are backed by the might of Xi Jingping. On could argue that this is only right and proper. After all in 1842 we (the British) sailed up the Yangzi river and blew the Chinese navy out of the water and then promptly went on to bankrupt the nation. Possibly the Chinese might be seeking reparations.

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by Pr0f »

I think the Chinese are far to clever to seek revenge - they bide their time and are content to dominate by supplying their cheap goods around the globe ( and to be fair I have consumed many of these and have had very few complaints - mostly power supplies - I always go and get something BS or CE approved).

So they gain territory, market share and land use by being helpful ;-)

As for White supremacist - I don't think I fall into that category - I have no 'white agenda' or pro British agenda - just hate apathy and people whose rights are more important than mine, even though we all have the same rights apparently :-)

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by pjw »

The EU wasnt just "them", you know, it was also "us". "We" made the rules we now so despise. Go figure. In a democracy nobody gets exactly what they want all the time, because other people also have wants.

So the UK doesnt like the rules and "meddling" and pulls out of EU. Then Scotland, on a similar pretext, pulls out of the UK, then.. What next? Wales? NI? Cornwall?! But what the hell; the more the merrier! ..Until we're just back to a bunch of angry neighbours with big sticks.

Only time will tell whether Brexit was a good idea for those who wanted it - although they may not accept the answer when it arrives (like those poor dying Covid patients ranting about the "Covid hoax").

PS: I think time just told on 6/1 for a lot of people on another divisive issue..

dont be happy. worry
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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by dilwyn »

I don't normally go in for political discussions, but there have been interesting and differing views expressed in this thread. I guess we could ask a 100 different people for their views and get 100 different replies and opinions (at least!).

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by mk79 »

Tinyfpga wrote:At number 2 is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The minimum fine for a breach appears to be 10 million Euros. The state knows that I do not comply (regular warning letters) but have so far chosen to ignore my wilful attitude. Luckily I have some spare cash to cover this.
I do hope your reading of the other directives is better ;) 10 million is by no means the minimum fine, it's the maximum (or 2% of net result, whatever is higher, etc. etc. easy enough to read elsewhere).

Quite frankly, the EU tends to over-regulate things, but at the core most regulations have a good point (all in all I like the GDPR, not in every aspect but it has its heart in the right place IMHO). The over-regulation creates a ton of bullshit jobs, maybe an intended side-effect. But their biggest problem is that they don't generally exempt small businesses, making it, as you say, more or less impossible to comply with everything on small scale products.
At number 5, is a real surprise. To obtain an EC declaration of conformity, circuit diagrams and documentation of products of an electrical nature have to comply with EU regulations.
So, no, you can't just write and draw what you like. I of course take no notice of this and can't even be bothered to stick an EC stamp on things I make.
Well, "EC" will not get you anywhere anyway, the stamp you want is "CE" (read "Chinese Engineering") :P Thing is, if you want to sell to the EU you still have (in principle) to comply with it, same as you have to comply with US rules (FCC) if you want to sell there, Chinse rules (CCC), etc. So Brexit doesn't buy you anything here. Also, before a common regulation you had a dozen different regulations, one for each country. I don't think that was a better situation if you have to comply with all of them... but still, there should be some kind of explicit exemption for small scale products as long as they are save.
c. It is thought that the EU state tangles small and medium-sized firms in a twine of red tape so dense, that It has created a scenario where small organisations have become too small to comply.
Unfortunately true.

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Re: I hate BREXIT !

Post by ajb »

dilwyn wrote:I don't normally go in for political discussions, but there have been interesting and differing views expressed in this thread. I guess we could ask a 100 different people for their views and get 100 different replies and opinions (at least!).
If you think this has been good I'm sure they'll be moving onto religion soon.


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